Cips level 2 past papers are intended to help you prepare for your Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations. The questions are according to learning outcome in you syllabus, that way you can easily tell the areas that need more effort. You can download the syllabus here: >>CLICK TO ACCESS THE SYLLABUS<<
While using these cips level 2 past papers ensure that:
- You understand the course content so as to know what each learning outcome is as per the module
- You understand the exam stucture
- Know how to articulate your points so that you can get the full marks attributed to the question
- Think of yourself as the candidate so don’t rush over questions and assume you know he answers
Remember with this level you DO NOT REQUIRE ANY PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE OR QUALIFICATION for that matter, to start the Certificate or Advanced Certificate. This makes it an ideal qualification level if you’re just starting your career in procurement or if procurement and supply are part of your role.
Here is a video version of what you can expect in this level:
Guide to qualifıcation content:
Five CORE MANDATORY modules make up the required 18 credits
Introducing Procurement and Supply (L2M1) 6 credits
Procurement and Supply Operations (L2M2) 3 credits
Stakeholder Relationships (L2M3) 3 credits
Systems Technology (L2M4) 3 credits
Inventory, Logistics and Expediting (L2M5) 3 credits
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