CIPS L3M4 Study guide: How personal and group knowledge lead to organisational success

Every person who works for an organisation plays a role in its success or failure.

In this CIPS L3M4 study guide summary, the goal is to make you understand;

  1. What is organisational success
  2. The difference between personal and group knowledge
  3. How such knowledge help in success
  4. Bonus Questions and Answer to help with your exams

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The truth is each organisation has its on way of defining success, for example, public sector organisations may look at success in terms of how effective tax payer’s money has been used to offer public services.

Remember public sector organisations are run by government and are mostly funded by taxes.

That view of success will differ from that of private sector organisations, because, in these organisations profit is the key thing.

A mobile phone manufacturer, for instance, will view an increase in market share and increase in sales, compared to that of a competitor, to be a success because these means more profit.

Third sector organisations will have a different approach. These are organisations, be they local, national or international, that aim to provide a social benefit but are independent of government.

An example could be, Red Cross/Crecent or even a centre for helping homeless people.

Success for a third sector organisation will generally depend on the aim of that organisation.

What is the point here then?

The point is, since different organisations have different definitions of success, the people involved within these organisations will need different skills, personalities and styles of working.


Personal knowledge is the kind of knowledge gained by experiencing thing first -hand.

This could be through observing things or doing things. For instance, you touch something hot and you quickly learn the effect of that or you travel to a new country and you experience other culture

Reading a book will give you insight and perspective

Group knowledge on the other hand is gained by listening to others and taking their opinion into account, for example during group discussions.

Group knowledge can change quickly as ideas are put forward, adopted or discounted. This is why group or institutional memory is important.

An example here is when someone is about to leave a job role and they instruct their colleagues in how to perform one of their regular tasks or processes


Since this is a CIPS L3M4 study guide summary, the goal is to not only make you understand personal and group knowledge, but also how such knowledge will help the organisation.

If an organisation is to succeed, the people within it must continue to develop their personal knowledge.

This will enable them to easily adapt to change, take on new challenges, learn new systems within their business and develop hard skills and soft skills.

BONUS: CIPS L3M4 Questions and Answer to help with your exams

CIPS L3M4 study guide summary question

Attempt the questions answers and explanations are given after the questions

Question 1

Which of the following explains personal knowledge?

  1. Knowledge acquired through group collaboration
  2. Knowledge that an individual gains through personal experiences and understanding
  3. Knowledge stored in libraries
  4. Knowledge shared through formal education

Question 2

What is group knowledge?

  1. Knowledge acquired independently by one person
  2. Knowledge collectively created or shared within a group
  3. Knowledge stored in a database
  4. Knowledge that is intuitive and unexplainable

Question 3

Which of the following is a characteristic of personal knowledge?

  1. It is objective and verifiable
  2. It is built on collective inputs
  3. It is subjective and shaped by individual experiences
  4. It requires group consensus to be valid


Question 4

How does personal knowledge primarily contribute to organizational success?

  1. By ensuring consistent team behaviour
  2. By fostering individual expertise and creativity
  3. By enforcing company-wide policies
  4. By eliminating conflicts within the team

Question 5

Which of the following shows how group knowledge enhances organizational decision-making?

  1. By reducing the need for external consultants
  2. By integrating diverse perspectives for well-rounded solutions
  3. By emphasizing individual opinions over group consensus
  4. By limiting collaboration to avoid conflicts


Question 1

Answer: b)

Explanation: Personal knowledge is subjective and is built from individual’s personal experiences, beliefs, and perspectives.

Question 2

Answer: b)

Explanation: Group knowledge is the result of collaboration, discussion, and shared understanding within a team or community.

Question 3

Answer: c)

Explanation: Personal knowledge depends on the individual’s environment, situation, emotions, and perception. These are the things that make such knowledge personal in nature

Question 4

Answer: b)

Explanation: Personal knowledge allows individuals to apply their unique skills and insights, which can lead to innovation and improved performance.

Question 5

Answer: b)

Explanation: Group knowledge combines various viewpoints, since there are a number of people with various perspectives in a group, leading to more comprehensive and effective decisions.

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